(“the Master of shade and light”)

• born in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1964
• graduated in 1993 from the Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, the highest education offered to an artist in Russia

Vladimir Ershov (Erchov) is a professional artist whose main interest is realism and whose favorite genre is the landscape. His landscapes are painted largely as a result of his regular travels throughout the world, especially in Spain, Italy, and France.

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Russia (St. Petersburg) – every year since 1991
France (Paris) – 1993
Italy – 1995, 1996
Sweden (Stockholm) – 1996-97
Israel (Tel-Aviv) – 1998
China – 1999
Great Britain (London) – 1999, 2000, 2001
USA (FL, TX, CA) – 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003

Vladimir Ershov’s landscapes are found in private collections around the world, including
in, France, Great Britain, Russia, South Korea, USA, Finland, Belgium, Greece, Japan, Italy, Norway, and Sweden.